As a Psychic and as a Tarot practitioner I use my Clair abilities to channel messages for my clients, clairvoyance and clairaudience are the stronger of my clairs, how does that matter to you, not at all just some information to munch on.
In my understanding continuous learning is essential and I work with my mentor on clair abilities and am constantly upgrading my knowledge through reading researching and connecting with the Akashic Records and my Spirit Guides and Arch Angels.
Am also enrolled at the Boulder Psychic Institute and take classes to further my intuitive and healing skills
The future is changeable, the future is in your hands, you create your destiny, and hence its best to use cards to guide instead of using it as a prediction tool, but to each, his own and so long as discernment is exercised it's all good.
When you book a reading :
1) Allow yourself to be open to receiving guidance, as a reader I do connect with your energy to get messages, if you are not open to receiving guidance we will not get messages
2) If asking for a love interest – Kindly share their name or initials
3) I will provide the consultation to the best of my abilities and the energies prevailing at the time.
4) Any follow on questions will be charged extra as this involves time and energy to channel this information.
5) Be assured your information is confidential and is accessed only by me and will not be shared with anyone at all.
6) The readings are for entertainment, kindly use discernment in using the guidance coming through, This does not replace, medical assistance, therapy, Legal advice, and the like.